
środa, 23 października 2019

Isengrim vs. Lires

Isengrim vs Lires, LW 100
German Panzergrenadier Company vs. British Infantry Comapany
German, Fortress Europe:
Formation: HQ, 3 x PanzerGrenadier Platoon (7xMG42, PzFaust), 7,5 cm Tank-Hunter Platoon (3xPaK), 8 cm Mortar Section (2x8 cm)
Support: 15 cm Nebelwerfer Battery (3x15cm NbW), Tiger Tank Platoon (3xTiger I), SdKfz 7/1 Quad AA Platoon (3xSdKfz 7/1 2cm quad)
British, Fortress Europe (from memory):
Formation: HQ, 3 x Rifle Platoon (or Motor Rifle Platoon) (full strength), 6pdr Gun Section (4x6pdr AT gun)
Support: 25 pdr Field Troop (4x25pdr), 25 pdr Field Troop (2x25pdr), Priest Field Troop (4xPriest), M10 SP Anti-Tank Platoon (4xM10 17pdr)
Both sides chose Defend, scenario: Dust-Up
The opposing forces deployed diagonally within their zones, Germans closer to the quarter borders, Britons deep into the defensive positions. Britons sent Achilles Platoon, Priest Battery and one Infantry Platoon to the reserve, Germans sent Tigers and AA platoon.
Lires won the roll-off for going first and chose not to do anything.
Germans started with moving one infantry platoon to each side, attempting a pincer move on the British wings. Left (western) wing platoon hid behind a hill, while the right (eastern) wing platoon moved at the double (Blitz + Follow Me orders) to cross a stream dividing two halfs of the battlefield, and hid in the orchard. Nebelwerfers managed to range in on the 25pdr battery, but only pinned it down.
In return, 25 pdrs started to “peel off” German artillery, killing one Nebelwerfer and pinning both 8 cm mortars too.

Both German artillery units failed to unpin, so the infantry moved forward uncovered. The platoon on the left wing failed Blitz so it rushed to the wheat field and shot at the 25 pdr battery, with little effect. It also tried to use cover of smokescreen laid by the 8 cm mortars, protecting it from 6 pdr fire. The platoon on the right wing reached houses on the southern side of the village next to the British positions, but had no clear shot.

In the third British turn, M10 (Achilles) platoon arrived and shot at the left-wing German infantry platoon, inflicting first casualties. 6 pdr guns and 25 pdr battery (direct fire) joined in, rest of the artillery kept pounding German guns (and keeping them pinned).
Having failed to call for reinforcement, Germans pushed forward with infantry only. The western wing platoon, crossed the river and assaulted the 25 pdr battery far in the north in a suicide charge, losing one to defensive fire but managing to reach the target. The eastern wing platoon entered three buildings on both southern and northern side of the village, leaving one too close to the British foxholes unoccupied. The western platoon lost some teams to the defensive fire but killed one of the 25 pdr guns but was unable to catch any further in a sweeping advance.
The stoic British were unimpressed. They called in another platoon of reinforcements (Priest battery) and started preparing an assault on the village. They did not pin the Germans down so decided not to charge yet. They also finished off the brave platoon leader (passed Last Stand twice) of the western platoon.
Tigers managed to enter the field but were able only to kill one infantry team from distance. Infantry in the village shot at the British infantry, managing to fail all 12 5+ shots. Nebelwerfers and Mortars either failed to range in or to do any damage to 25 pdr battery again.

The British infantry, supported by 6 pdrs assaulted the platoon occupying northern part of the village and, losing only two teams defensive fire and managing to push the Germans behind the southern line of buildings. At the western flank, M10s moved out to the side of the German positions and destroyed 1 Nebelwerfer in direct fire. Nebelwerfers failed the Last Stand and fled. Artillery also destroyed one of the PaKs, dug in in the central German position in a forest.

Germans pushed to the counter-attack in the village. Supported by Tigers and newly arrived 7/1 AA Guns, they managed to recapture the southern side of the village, killing some British infantry in process. The remaining platoon in the middle of the battlefield moved back to protect the objective and dug in.

This, however, led to exposure of the Tigers to Achilles fire. In an incredible shot, he scored 3 hits and destroyed two Tigers. Brits also managed to destroy 8 cm Mortar and – for sport – assaulted again at the infantry in the village, this time losing the assault and falling back to the northern side of the village.
At this point, Germans conceded the game.
8:1 for Piotr

Marcin TELEGO vs Piotr NOWAK

Pojedynek miał miejsce na warszawskim turnieju 13.10.2019 r. (LW 100p.) Podczas drugiej rundy naprzeciwko siebie stanęły dwie armie brytyjskie. Wylosowanym scenariuszem był Breakthrough, gdzie Piotr się bronił, a Marcin atakował.
The duel took place at the Warsaw tournament on 13.10.2019. (LW 100p.) During the second round two British armies were facing each other. The winning scenario was Breakthrough, where Piotr defended and Marcin attacked.
Marcin TELEGO – British Rifle Company
1st. pluton (pełen) (full)
2nd. Pluton (pełen) (full)
Moździerze (4szt.)
Carriery (3szt.)
6 pdr (4szt.)
Churchille (3szt.)
M10/17pdr (4szt.)
Weterańskie M4 Sherman/76mm (5szt.)
Piotr NOWAK – British Rifle Company
1st. pluton
2nd. Pluton
3rd. Pluton
6 pdr (4szt.)
M10/17pdr (4szt.)
25 pdr. (4szt)
25 pdr. (2szt)
Priest (4szt.)
Piotr wystawił na stół: HQ, 2 plutony piechoty; M10/17pdr; 6 pdr; 25 pdr (2szt).
Marcin wystawił na stół: moździerze (4szt), pluton piechoty, Carriery, M10/17pdr.
Piotr put on the table: HQ, 2 infantry platoons; M10/17pdr; 6 pdr; 25 pdr (2pcs).
Marcin put on the table: mortars (4pcs), infantry platoon, Carriery, M10/17pdr.

Rozstawienie po rozegranej pierwszej turze Marcina ukazuje fotografia:
The set-up after Marcin's first round is shown in a photograph:

Co działo się później, łatwo się domyślić. Piotrowe M10 pojawiły się w zasadzce  i w zasadzie zniszczyły M10 Marcina, Do momentu wyjścia rezerw atakującego, piechota, carriery i moździerze odciągały połowę stołu, od zajmowania dogodniejszych pozycji do obrony objectiwów. Ostateczniepo kilku turach z wystawionych pierwotnie przez Marcina jednostek przeżył tylko 1 carrier, w tym czasie dwa plutony Piotrowej piechoty zdołały dojść do objectiwa, ale nie udało mu się tam okopać. Wtedy do akcji wkroczyły rezerwy (5 tura atakującego).
What happened next is easy to guess. Peter's M10 was ambushed and basically destroyed Martin's M10. Until the attacker's reserves were released, infantry, carriers and mortars pulled half the table away, from taking more convenient positions to defend objects. Eventually, after a few rounds of units originally exhibited by Martin survived only 1 carrier, at that time two platoons of Peter's infantry managed to reach the objectivity, but he did not manage to dig there. Then the reserves entered the action (5th round of attacking).

Pierwszy z rezerw wyszedł pluton Shermanów(76mm), udało im się odepchnąć piechotę. Przeciwnik w swojej turze mógł jedynie próbować odepchnąć shermany od objectiva, jednak atak na czołgi nie powiódł się. 6 tura atakującego włączyła do walki Churchille z rezerw, od tyłu piechotę zajechał również ocalały carrier, objective trzymało jedynie kilka nieokopanych podstawek piechoty. Marcin miał 3 możliwości assaultu (shermany, carrier, churchille), wcześniej jednak udało się wszystkie podstawki piechoty w 4” od objectivu zniszczyć zmasowanym ostrzałem. Zwycięstwo 6:3 dla Marcina.
The first of the reserves was the Sherman's platoon (76mm), they managed to push the infantry away. The opponent in his turn could only try to push the Shermans away from the objectiva, but the attack on the tanks failed. 6th turn of attacker included Churchille in the fight from reserves, from the back the infantry arrived also the surviving carrier, objective was holding only a few unencumbered infantry bases. Marcin had 3 possibilities of assault (shermans, carrier, churchille), but earlier he managed to destroy all 4" infantry bases from objectivu with massive fire. Victory 6:3 for Marcin.

niedziela, 13 października 2019

Pancer kontra twhistoria

No i Rafał się uaktywnił. po niemal rocznej przerwie w aktywności turniejowej wołanej pracą podwinął rękawy i ruszył w bój. Pojawił się na Jesiennym Turnieju Flames of War gdzie zajął 6 miejsce. Gry rozgrywane na tym turnieju zostały jednocześnie zaliczone do Warszawskiej Ligi FOW.

W jednym z pojedynków starły się nasze armie - Brytyjczycy Rafała i moi Rosjanie. W tej sytuacji format i rodzaj gry jest oczywisty - Flames of War Late War 100 pkt.

And then Rafał became active. After an almost one-year break in the tournament activity caused by  his work, he rolled up his sleeves and went into battle. He appeared at the Flames of War Autumn Tournament where he took 6th place. Games played in this tournament were simultaneously included in the Warsaw FOW League.

In one of the duels our armies - the British Rafał and my Russians - fought each other. In this situation the format and type of the game is obvious - Flames of War Late War 100 points.

Moja rozpiska (My forces)

Rozpiska Rafała (His forces)

Zagraliśmy misję Encounter. U mnie do rezerw poszły KW, Valentynki, BA-10 i pluton T-34, a u Pancera M-10c, pluton Shermanów i HQ.

Gra była zażarta, trup słał się gęsto. Ostatecznie Pancer złamał moja formację siedemnastofuntówki wygrały pojedynek ogniowy z moimi osiemdziesiątkami piatkami. :-(

Wynik 7:2 dla Pancera.

Poniżej trochę zdjęć ilustrujących przebieg pojedynku.  

We played the Encounter mission. In my case KW, Valentine's Day, BA-10 and T-34 platoon went to the reserves, and in Pancer's case M-10c, Sherman's and HQ platoon went to the reserves.

The game was fierce, the corpse was dense. Finally, Pancer broke my formation of seventeen pounds and won a fire duel with my eighty-fives. :-(

The result was 7:2 for Pancer.

Below some pictures illustrating the course of the duel.